Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Laing Espesyal

tired of christmas foodies like lechon,hamon, chicken? time to go native this holiday,lets have laing for a change!hehe

In a pan put all the ingredients: minced garlic, onions, lotsa ginger, tocino sliced in strips, mushrooms, dinilan(whatchacall this in english ba?) Add 1.5 mug of coconut milk. Let it boil.Then add the dried gabi leaves. Wait til it boils again.Then add
2 mugs of "kakang gata". Once it boils,lower the fire,add sliced sili(long)and let it simmer for 30minutes.


  1. yes with tocino! para si hamis kang laing mahali duman sa meat,no need to put sugar, plus si harang from siling labuyo will make its taste more beautiful..
